Tuesday, May 20, 2008


Hi. I'm me.

Lately, I have enjoyed the absence of school.
But as the absence of school comes, the drifting away of friends comes too, whether I like it or not. Which usually, I'd be fine with, but for some reason, leaving these kids just upsets me for some reason. They were with me in the two years I have grown up the most. They are the ones that have been here for me, seen me at my best and worst. So yes, I suppose I will miss them. For a little while. Not a long time. It's just the way I am. I'm not emotionally connected to anyone. It proves positive in most situations. So this week has been good and bad, in the respects that I left my old school for good. The bad part is-- I left the people, but I really only got along with a few. So its not that big of a deal. The good part is-- I still have a great support system at church. Which has lessened since California, but its ok. That kind of thing is expected with humankind. I dont understand why, when you tell someone that you have lost a friend, they immediately think it to be some huge awful deal that they are overly apologetic for. I see it this way-- friends come and friends go. If they stay, that is perfectly fine with me, please by all means, they should make themselves comfortable, but if they choose to leave-- that's really their decision. I don't expect every one of my friends to be with me till the day I am put into a nursing home, its an irrational way to think. So by all measures, if they feel like they aren't in the spot to be friends with someone, I believe it to be perfectly reasonable to nicely distance themselves. I do not expect most of them to be around forever. And this is no rant, no desperate attempt to call someone out via blog. I think that to be silly. Its just me thinking.

(which is silly sometimes, too)

"I have nothing to say, and I am saying it."
-John Cage

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